Secrets to Growing a Healthy Chinese Money Plant

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If you’re looking for a hardy, low-maintenance houseplant, the Chinese money plant is perfect for you. Also known as the pancake or UFO plant, this unique-looking specimen requires minimal care and can thrive in almost any room of your house. Here are some secrets to help you grow a healthy Chinese money plant:

Choose the Right Potting Soil

Chinese money plants prefer well-draining soil with plenty of organic material. A good blend of potting mix should contain elements like peat moss and composted bark pieces. Once you’ve picked out your soil, make sure to use it only for cacti, succulents, and other drought-tolerant plants that thrive in quick-drying soil. Avoid using potting mixes that clump together when wet or drain too quickly.

For more information click here- chinese money plant care

Provide Proper Sunlight

When it comes to sunlight, Chinese money plants prefer bright indirect sunlight but not direct sunlight – especially during hot summer months as too much sun can scorch the leaves. Find an area near a window but far enough away from direct light where there is good air circulation. Rotate your pot every few days so all sides of your plant get light evenly throughout.

Stay On Top of Watering Schedule

When it comes to water management, Chinese money plants prefer less frequent watering than other houseplants; they need to be watered only when their soil is completely dry. When watering make sure you are giving them enough (water thoroughly until excess water appears in the drainage tray) but not too much (waterlogging can lead to root rot). During winter months, reduce watering even further – consider going weeks between watering during winter time if the soil remains moist one or two inches down from the top layer


During the growing season – usually April through September – feed sparingly by adding weak liquid fertilizer every month or two once it’s grown past its first set of major leaves… During the autumn months when growth slows down stop fertilizing altogether as the plant will enter the dormancy stage. During this period allow temperatures inside the home to drop slightly (cool night around 60F works best), provide less water, and rotate it only occasionally so as not to stimulate any new vegetation growth. 


Trim Away Dead Leaves and Roots

Houseplants often drop dead leaves at the bottom which start preying on resources meant for the rest of the healthy parts of the plant. By removing them we encourage healthier foliage to grow. Dead roots should also be removed during repotting stages – simply snip away rotten ones.

The Chinese money plant (also known as the Pancake Plant or UFO Plant) is a popular choice for many homes due to its easy-going nature and beautiful glossy leaves. However, Chinese Money Plants can be notoriously tricky when it comes to maintenance. If you’re looking to increase your success with this unique foliage, here are a few secrets to help you grow healthy Chinese Money Plants.


Size It Up

When it comes to selecting the right pot for your Chinese Money Plant, bigger is better. Healthy plants need enough space and soil to get adequate amounts of air and water. Generally, Chinese Money Plant pots should have an 18-24 cm diameter, although some varieties may require more. Be sure to also check if there are drainage holes at the bottom of your pot or planter before planting!

Pick Your Soil Carefully

Chinese Money Plants prefer well-draining soil in order to thrive and perform best in a soil mix that’s about one-third compost by volume. Poor drainage often leads to root rot, so be sure to choose the right soil for your needs carefully – peat moss-based potting soils tend to work well for these plants.

Ideal Light Conditions

These plants love light but not necessarily full sun; partial shade is best for growing healthy Chinese Money Plants. If you spot new leaves opening up too quickly near direct sunlight or displaying signs of sunburn on their edges, then move them away from bright spots into brighter indirect lighting situations instead – they’ll thank you!

Train Your Plant into Shape

Chinese Money Plants may not always look like the perfect saucer shapes when you first buy them – but don’t worry -you can easily train them yourself! All you need is patience and some thin wire ties and sticks that match the diameter of your pot – arrange these around your plant in order to give it some encouragement or training into shape! And remember: trim excess leaves off regularly and let fresh ones grow in their place in order to maintain good health! 

Feed and Hydrate Regularly 

Last but not least: regular fertilizing helps take care of healthy roots while encouraging bigger leaf growth. Feed your plant once every three months with diluted liquid fertilizer during the growing season – this includes late spring/summer periods – as well as water deeply as needed throughout the year. Inconsistent watering habits can lead to wilted plants so be sure to keep track! By following these simple tips you’ll be able to reap all the rewards that come with owning a vibrant and lush Chinese money plant – happy gardening.

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