The Pharaoh Family in Ancient Egypt

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The pharaoh family was a central part of Egyptian society. It was a proud, tightly knit group of people that respected one another and the gods they worshiped.

Pharaohs often had dozens of children from one or more major wives and several lesser ones. This was to keep their bloodlines pure and ensure that they could pass on their positions of power.


Tutankhamun was an important pharaoh who restored order to Egypt after the unpopular changes made by his father Akhenaten. He was a member of the 18th dynasty, which ruled during the New Kingdom.

In 1922, the archaeologist Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings. It contained a rich collection of objects that give us unique insights into this period of ancient Egyptian history.

During his short reign, Tutankhamun reverted the focus of his country’s worship to a variety of different gods. He did this under the guidance of his high-ranking advisers, a vizier named Ay and Egypt’s military commander Horemheb.

The king was only nine years old when he took the throne, and his young age made him susceptible to being taken advantage of by his powerful advisors. Ay, who may have been the king’s father, and Horemheb, his military commander, influenced many of his decisions.


The third of King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti’s six daughters, Ankhesenamun was born around 1350 BC. She grew up in the capital city of Akhetaten, now known as Amarna.

Her life coincided with a time of social and religious upheaval in Egypt. Her father, Pharaoh Akhenaten, led a revolution in which he abandoned the old gods of the Egyptian religion and worshiped only one: Aten.

He was a controversial figure, and his actions didn’t go down well with the priesthood or the Egyptian people. This caused chaos and riots.

However, despite this, the 파라오계열 managed to maintain their hold on power. Ankhesenamun married Tutankhamun, who would become the first pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt.

After her husband’s death, Ankhesenamun was left a widow and unable to rule Egypt without her half-brother. In response, she sent a letter to King Suppiluliumas of the Hittites, asking him to send someone who could become her husband and the pharaoh of Egypt.


The most famous and iconic queen of ancient Egypt was Nefertiti, wife of the pharaoh Akhenaten. She is known for her dazzling beauty, but modern Egyptologists are also interested in her role as a power broker.

Her origins are mostly unknown, though early Egyptologists believed she was a princess from Mitanni (Syria). However, recent research suggests that her family tree is more complex than first thought.

In her early years, it is likely that she was influenced by the cult of Aten, a sun god, and may have encouraged her husband to abandon all other Egyptian gods in favor of Aten. This is thought to have weakened the religious foundations of Egypt.

Although Akhenaten had a great impact on the pharaoh family, his absorption with his new religion meant that he did not have the skills or interest to rule effectively. He was also too busy with theological reformation and building his new capital city, Amarna.


Hatshepsut was born in 1492 BCE into an Egyptian family of royal descent. Her father was a pharaoh and her mother was a princess. She grew up with a strong sense of her family’s importance and the power of their god Amun.

When her husband died, she became regent for his young son. After a few years, she declared herself king in her own right.

In doing so, she became the first female pharaoh to rule Egypt and adopt the full titles and regalia of her male counterparts. This was a groundbreaking moment, one that would influence the entire pharaoh family.

Hatshepsut ruled for 22 years and built a number of monumental monuments, including the mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri. She also sent military expeditions against her neighbors Syria and Nubia. Evidence of her campaigns can be found in the tomb of Senenmut, the temple at Sehel, and a stela at Deir el-Bahri. Her achievements were a huge step forward in the development of women’s power and status within Egyptian society.

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